Date: Friday, August 28, 2009 | Time: 11:28 PM
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Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 | Time: 10:07 AM
past few days been thinking hard whether should i carry on be lyk this
th feeling totally sucks
dont ask me why~
kk. going to sch for exam now.
its Principle of Accounting paper today!
and and im left with 2 more paper to go.
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Date: | Time: 10:05 AM

here we go again.
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Date: Thursday, August 20, 2009 | Time: 7:07 PM

I'm having exams tomorrow.
I just have to get over the coming six days & I'm free.
Macroeconomics (sounds chim), hopeless.
business software skill (simisai), screws me for sure.
Good luck, to myself ♥
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Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 | Time: 12:54 PM

happy birthday to my sister (xinyi)
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Date: Saturday, August 8, 2009 | Time: 6:28 PM
having buffet later in the evening.
i cant wait anymore. the food so yummy.
kk. shall post when im back
bye people!
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Date: Wednesday, August 5, 2009 | Time: 8:42 PM
halfway mark of th week ! countinq down to thurs &fri . :D Elden commented that i dye blonde red very suitable for me . then i ask why . he say cos i always on fire ._. wheregot??!
HAHA but i quite like th colour . think qoinq to stick to this colour for quite awhile [:
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Date: Monday, August 3, 2009 | Time: 8:18 PM

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Date: | Time: 6:42 PM
Elden and Gavin is beside me now whining & complaining about my blog. "Go update lah!" Plus, they are currently viewing every alphabets that I am typing now.
Uhem! Doing lazy projects now. and hello you guys supposed to help me ok.
I'm like goosebumping, freaking cold. The diputs aircon is just right above my head. The clouds are also very dark at this time of day?! Oh please, don't rain on me. I still have to take two buses home.
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Date: Sunday, August 2, 2009 | Time: 12:42 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FINNA VANNIA! You just turned 19 today! :)
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